Monday 21 November 2011


What makes a good birthday party?

Pizza Feast?

Amazing Cake?

Treasure Hunt!

Oh wait I

Recently my lil brother had his 12th birthday party. It was a great day that's for sure...made perfect by his two best sisters and friends maybe!

I will be returning to the Big Smoke soon enough here is the advice from Top Tips for girls:

How to escape a plane crash:
Make a note of how many seats there are between your seat and the emergency exit in front of (and behind you). If the worst happens, it may be dark/smoky, so this way you can 'count' your way to the nearest exit.

Well? What do you make of that!

n xo

Monday 14 November 2011


What is it about secrets that pull you in and entice you...Gwenevere once said to me or perhaps I said to her:
Knowledge is power...Mwahahahahah

To pull all of you in and entice you...I rummaged my secret Narnia-like wardrobe in terms of it walking back in time...and found a few of my secrets of the past (aka 7years ago...)

Entitled 'All About Me' 
(disclaimer...most of this is not true today. lesson to you change!)

1). When I am older I want to be:
A Lawyer!
doctor as well could be interesting Hmm)

Now 7 years on? 
not a lawyer ever that's all.

2). I usually spend my pocket money on: Phonecards and sweets (freddo's Actulli) 

3). I'm saving up for: a lap-top & clothes & new fone (first laptop 4yrs later - i'm patient!)

4). If I could have anything...teehee meB dyed hair? Blue streaks??)

You'll be glad to know I don't look like this now!
Or will you...

5). My favourite song is: Mexican Wine

Enough delving in the past....

Time for some 
spot the difference...

Guess which one is after a full day of placement and an inability to sleep due to being only recently reacquainted with the unfamiliar concept of...Central Heating???

Bid the all a fond farewell for now and a puff of smoke classic disappearing act am off to

6). My favourite place in the world is: 
My Bed!
(ok so that isn't my bed shh!)


Saturday 12 November 2011

The First Night

So you and I may be wondering what this blog is about?!

I thought it might be nice to record some of the comings and goings of a few of the 'knights' around my table!

To protect their integrity I shall endeavour to maintain their anonymity by a clever disguise of one of the knights! See if you can guess who is who!

I of course am Merlin the all-seeing-all-knowing...Don't think you can hide from me...xoxo

Epiphany Point!
Is it just me or do epiphanies always occur in the shower?

Just had an epiphany about Character Profiles...coming soon...