Wednesday 21 December 2011

Snow is falling....all around me

 Introducing...The One and Only Event Of the Year...

The Annual #37 Christmas Party

I could sit here and ramble on and on about how amazing the party was but thought I would leave it up to our distinguished guests in my 4-5 simple questions!

Q1. What was your highlight of the evening?

Mr S. Bradford: My Everest...Conquering the Pole thingy. Til next year!
Mr Z. Nash: (a frequent flyer of the Annual Christmas dinner) Highlight was the food. Always the food. The pig was excellent and Pigs in Blankets are a classic!
Miss H.V. Rankin: (apart from that appearance change we couldn't put our finger on!) Defo Secret Santa!
Mr S.A.B. Rankin: Scott getting lipstick all over himself. hahahahahaha
Mr D. Mewton: Dunno really, but probably the family chocolate cake and Stu's reaction...such an uncontrollable laughter ensued I almost cried... I saw a tear Dan...I know I did.
Miss L.J. Gordge: Ok here goes...Hmm , it was all great?
Mr J.E. McCauley: Dave showing up without a secret santa present and subsequentially buying one in the Costcutter down the street. Standard.
Mr S.A. Elliott: Getting a Makeover. Thanks Dave you really highlighted my best features!
Mr D. Peterson: Taking the best photo I have ever taken. Mr BigHeadz and the Roses. Fine *buck teeth suck in lips signal*

Big Headz and Roses Centre Piece

Q2. Did you meet someone new? Impression?
Mr S. Bradford: Zach (aka gud lad)
Mr Z. Nash: I met Steve, he seems like a great guy from first impressions.
Miss H.V. Rankin: Urm, New and Improved Dan Mewton after him becoming attached to the Bear!
Mr S. Rankin: Mr S. Bradford, and what can I say? I can't put it into words!
Mr D. Mewton: Plenty of people really, Stuart, amazing laughter. Zach a cultivated young man with a posh accent :D
Miss L.J. Gordge: Scott - Championes Championes OLE OLE OLE
Mr J.E. McCauley: Some old some new...but really the fella with the rum and gingerbeer really hit the spot! Thanks Monsieur Barman Dave.
Mr S.A. Elliott: There were some blondies in the quiz I hadn’t seen before. They were hard to handle. Also Steve - You Leave me Breath....Less.
Mr D. Peterson: Laura and Dave were so nice! Thanks guys for all your advice.

Calm Before the Storm
Q3. Best thing to munch?

Mr S. Bradford: Piggies in Blankies *munch munch*
Mr Z. Nash: Ooh - I think I answered this. If I had to be pushed I would say the gammon.
Miss H.V. Rankin: Dave's Roast Potatoes
Mr S. Rankin: Loved the meal but if the Secret Santa Christmas/ Family Chocolate Cake had been eaten it would have been better!
Mr D. Mewton: Roasted vegetables were out of this world but all the food was fantastic! Also Dave's Roasties  Just kidding Dave he didn't write that...gotcha!
Miss L.J. Gordge: Excellent finish with the Jelly Tots at the end!
Mr J.E. McCauley: The sprouts with bacon and honey were particularly agreeable to my palate as honey is sweet on the tongue yeh.
Mr S.A. Elliott: Its that one time of year that I get to have a nice wee taste of the Old Bird after giving her a bit of a squeeze. The Turkey of course.
Mr D. Peterson: Everything was amazing. Just give me more meat!

Vol Au Vents...Classic Canape!

Q4. Silly question. Would you like to come back next year?
Mr S. Bradford: Of course, If I'm not the First name on the list I will throw a tantrum! x
Mr Z. Nash: Of course if I am to be invited back...I am hopeful that quiz scores are not part of the criteria.
Miss H.V. Rankin: Pick me pick me! Yes please.
Mr S. Rankin: Yes please pretty please with a cherry on top.
Mr D. Mewton: Dunno...Maybe...HaHa just kidding Yes!
Miss L.J. Gordge: Yes! Preferably without Mandrews Drama agreed!
Mr J.E. McCauley: Have to check my diary.
Mr S.A. Elliott: I dunno, depends on whether I can arrive an hour late again. Always with the fashionable entry! I get visibly shaken from driving in London. HELP ME BORIS!
Mr D. Peterson: Please invite me back. You guys are my only mates! (Sorry to my other 2mates out there. I treasure you too)

A bit of fun and laughter never hurt...right?

Q5. Oh and where are you right now?

Mr S. Bradford: Fam in NDubz. Innit!
Mr Z. Nash: Ankerdine Hill, near Knightwick. Worcestershire.
Miss H.V. Rankin: Just in Wetherspoons with the Dad. Diet Coke and a Tuna Melt Panini.
Mr S. Rankin: At home in my boudoir which is currently infested with wasps. Bit odd this time of year?
Mr D. Mewton: In my Bermondsey flat, working my butt off so I can go on holiday without any work left to do (not gonna happen).
Miss L.J. Gordge: Somewhere driving 3hours Durham, Hampstead, Surrey...
Mr J.E. McCauley: Ba’Minney the hub of NI of course.
Mr S.A. Elliott: Didn’t you know I work for MI7, I can’t disclose that sort of information. Reading.
Mr D. Peterson: Haha that’s easy on the toilet of course! Oh turd, I’ve run out of loo roll again and I’ve already used all of the ‘guests’

Apologies: Miss M Norris, Miss T. Pereira-Rego, Miss N. Innes, Mr D. Thaxter
Absent: Miss T. Gupta, Mr M.Andrews, Mr T. Bendor-Samuels we missed you!

My heartfelt thanks to all those who gave such amazing answers to my prying!
I leave you with a few of my favourite memories of the evening!

Is it just me, or do I smell something burning?!

Thanks for coming.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

N xo

p.s. Everything written was accurate apart from the slight editing of course. Crossing the t's dotting the i's is all.

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